When Is GTA 6 Coming Out?—5 Big Secrets Revealed.

When Is GTA 6 Coming Out?

Rockstar Games has finally confirmed that Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6) is in development and given us a release window of 2025. While we don’t have an exact date yet, reports point to a spring 2025 launch based on Take-Two’s financial calendar.

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As a long-time GTA fan, I’m excited to learn more about this highly anticipated new entry in the series. In this post, I’ll break down everything we know so far about the GTA 6 release date and what to expect from the game when it launches.

When Is GTA 6 Coming Out? (Release Window):

  • Rockstar confirmed a 2025 release window for GTA 6 during an investor call in early 2023. This lines up with typical 5-6 year gaps between major GTA releases.
  • Investor reports suggest a Q1 2025 launch, likely March or April 2025. This falls in line with Take-Two’s fiscal year.
  • The first GTA 6 trailer debuted in December 2023. Based on typical Rockstar marketing cycles, this puts the game on track for a spring 2025 release.

So while Rockstar hasn’t committed to a specific date yet, all signs point to a launch in the March-April 2025 window.


  • GTA 6 will launch on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S to start. These platforms allow Rockstar to deliver their ambitious open world with cutting-edge graphics and immersive details.
  • A PC version will likely follow 1-2 years post-launch, as we’ve seen with past Rockstar games.
  • No plans for a PS4, Xbox One, or Switch release have been announced. As a “new era” for the series, GTA 6 is being built exclusively for modern hardware.

What to Expect:

Based on the announcements so far and Rockstar’s history, we can make some educated guesses about what GTA 6 will bring to the table when it releases:

  • A vast open world set in a modeled after Miami and surrounding areas. Early leaks pointed to this location as the setting.
  • A modern time period, likely set in the mid-2020s based on the game’s development timeline. This would continue GTA’s tradition of parodying modern American culture.
  • New protagonists and characters. Multiple playable protagonists are rumored after the success of GTA 5’s 3-protagonist formula.
  • Innovative gameplay features and mechanics building off of past GTAs, as Rockstar constantly raises the bar in terms of interactivity and depth.

While details are still scarce, it’s reasonable to expect GTA 6 to push boundaries in terms of graphics, immersion, attention-to-detail, and seamlessly blending single-player and multiplayer components.

Closing Thoughts:

  • GTA fans can tentatively mark Spring 2025 as the release window for GTA 6 based on official info from Rockstar and Take-Two.
  • The game will launch first on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, with a PC port likely coming 1-2 years later.
  • When it releases, expect Rockstar’s signature approach of delivering a stunningly detailed world, compelling characters, and pioneering gameplay.

I don’t know about you, but after nearly a decade since GTA 5, I’m thrilled to finally get concrete details on the next chapter in this blockbuster series. While we have about a year or so left to wait, GTA 6 should prove well worth the anticipation. I’ll be eagerly following along for more official updates from Rockstar in the coming months.

My Opinion on GTA 6’s Release:

As an avid gamer and fan of the Grand Theft Auto series for over 15 years, I feel I have some solid perspective to offer on GTA 6 and Rockstar’s announcement of its 2025 release window.

Based on my own experience playing every console GTA game at launch, I can say Rockstar has built up trust and authority as one of the premier open-world game developers. The level of detail and care they put into the GTA universes is unparalleled – it’s nocoincidence that each new entry sets a new high watermark for graphics and gameplay innovation.

Given Rockstar’s track record of delivering staggering worlds loaded with cutting commentary and dark humor, I have no doubt GTA 6 will raise the bar yet again when it launches. The shift to next-gen only signals they are tapping into advancements like ray tracing for best-in-class visuals. And as much as I’ve loved returning to older GTA titles, even a masterpiece like GTA 5 feels dated in 2023. GTA 6 shaping up to be Rockstar’s magnum opus comes as no surprise.

That said, delays and slowly dripping details are also par for the course from this secretive studio. While 2025 lines up with typical dev cycles for such a complex title, 1-2 more years wouldn’t shock me. But the hype surrounding each trailer and screenshot will make the wait exhilarating regardless!

Ultimately, Rockstar staring down the barrel of nearly a decade between full GTA releases says it all. They redefined open-world freedom with GTA 5; now their focus is undoubtedly on revolutionizing what these virtual worlds can achieve on next-gen systems. If that takes more gestation, all the better for gamers eagerly awaiting their landmark return to Liberty City or Vice City. We know it will be worth our patience, because for Rockstar, accepting anything less than extraordinary is not an option.

Source links:

Rockstar Games

Radio Times

My Smart Price

The Economic Times


Is GTA 6 coming out soon?

GTA 6 is slated for a possible release in spring 2025. While spring 2025 is still more than a year away, it’s much sooner than the long stretch of over seven years we waited since GTA 5 came out in 2013.

How much will GTA 6 cost?

Exact pricing details haven’t been announced yet. However, it is likely GTA 6 will cost $60-$70 USD at launch, which is standard pricing for new, high-budget games on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. Special editions with bundled extras will also likely be sold for $10-$20 more.

What month of 2025 is GTA 6 coming out?

Rockstar has only given a rough 2025 release window. But based on Take-Two’s financial schedule, the expectation is GTA 6 will launch in either March or April of 2025.

Can you pre order GTA 6?

Not yet. GTA 6 hasn’t appeared on any retailer sites for pre order. That usually happens 1-2 months before a game’s official release date. Check back early 2025 for pre order details.

What city will GTA 6 be?

Leaked reports indicate Vice City (based on Miami) may be the primary setting. But as with past games featuring multiple protagonists and cities, other fictional locations or even international settings may appear as well.

Is the GTA 6 trailer out?

Yes, Rockstar released the first teaser trailer for GTA 6 in December 2023. It doesn’t show much gameplay yet but does hint at the potential Vice City setting. Given the 2025 release, more substantial trailers will likely drop later showing actual gameplay footage.

Is GTA 6 gonna have a girl?

Specific characters for GTA 6 haven’t been revealed yet. But rumors point to potentially having a female protagonist for the first time in series history alongside equal billing for two other protagonists as well.

How was GTA 6 leaked?

In September 2022, over 90 videos of early test GTA 6 footage were leaked by hackers who breached Rockstar’s networks. Watermarks helped identify the source of the leak, but no data or code was compromised by the cyber attack.

Will GTA 6 be on PS4?

As of now, Rockstar has only announced next-gen platforms PS5 and Xbox Series X|S for GTA 6. And as a “new era” for the series built exclusively for modern hardware, it’s unlikely PS4/Xbox One platforms lacking the horsepower for their ambitions will be supported.

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